Netflix Hip Hop Documentary Recommendations

Netflix Documentary Recommendations
Not sure what to watch on Netflix and in the mood for a Hip Hop documentary? We gotcha covered! Check out these can't miss docs!
Stretch and Bobbito: Radio That Changed Lives (2015) – hip hop
After all of those years of looking for bootleg Stretch and Bobbito tapes in the back of The Source(c) and hearing about the legends that are Stretch and Bobbito this doc helps fill the void of a small town boy’s lack of access to these pivotal figures of Hip Hop culture. Thank you Netflix. Thank you.
This Is The Life (2008) – Hip Hop Artists the Good Lifers
First off how come no one ever told me about this doc? Shame on you all! This doc was definitely made with love and admiration of their scene and it permeates through each moment of the doc. This doc is about The Good Life. The breeding ground for some of the dopest and most versatile artists ever, as well as being more constructive or innovative alternative to what most people identify as west coast hip hop. Homebase for greats such as Jurassic 5, Pigeon John, Busdriver, Abstract Rude and the legendary Freestyle Fellowship.
The Art of Organized Noize (2016) – the producers behind hits from Outkast…
One of the souths secret ingredients. You may not know them but you know them. They are the producers of earlier Dungeon Family, Outkast and Goodie Mob. If you loved TLC’s “Waterfalls” you loved them. Get to know them. ATL!
Rubble Kings
This one may not be a Hip-Hop film per se but is necessary viewing for anyone interested in the culture and origins. It’s a well rounded documentary showing how community initiative and dialogue can be channeled via art and music to heal a community and create a positive environment for its people.
(a)Hip Hop Evolution
A good primer for anyone interested in the evolution of Hip-Hop. Definitely not the end all be all but there were definitely some interesting mentions and new discussions that were presented in a way that I hadn’t seen in many other Hip-Hop documentaries like the mention of Pigmeat Markham and how Sylvia Robinsons role at Sugarhill records. It may seem redundant to some people that grew up on VH1’s Behind the Music and an affinity for documentaries but even those people should suck it up, watch, stop being a know-it-all and enjoy. Okay by someone I meant me(I did enjoy it!).
(b)Hip Hop Evolution
A good primer for anyone interested in the evolution of Hip-Hop. There were definitely some interesting mentions and new discussions that were presented in a way that I hadn’t seen in many other Hip-Hop documentaries like the mention of Pigmeat Markham and how Sylvia Robinson’s role at Sugarhill records. It may seem redundant to some people that grew up on VH1’s Behind the Music and an affinity for music documentaries but there are tidbits and perspectives presented here that aren’t necessarily in other docs. It’s on this list so you know it’s recommended.